We are the result of what we eat. Feeding is essential for the maintenance of a healthy life and the optimal functioning of the organism. Each person or animal species enjoy various food supplements appropriate to their geographical area, culture, tastes, and basic needs. However, not all foods or products that are available in the market are healthy, even if they are edible. That is why so many anomalies and diseases occur in humans, as well as cases of people who express rejection or allergies to certain foods such as gluten.
When gluten is mentioned, reference is made to wheat and cereals such as oats, barley, and rye. As well as foods made with these cereals such as bread, cookies, cakes, soy sauce, sausages, condiments, and dishes or desserts containing flour or starch.
It is vital to pay attention to what we consume to preserve the health and well-being of the body, mind, and spirit. There are innumerable food products for immediate consumption that are available in stores and supermarkets ideal for busy people, with demanding hours and little dexterity in the kitchen. However, it is recommended to at least take the time and cook at home once a week.
That is why I present the following gluten-free recipes to enjoy as a family.
Corn and Carrot Bread:
Blend soybeans with water and salt. Add the carrots and blend them again. Mix in the other ingredients. If necessary, add a little more water until a doughy mass is obtained. Use a rectangular bread pan or a previously floured cake mold (use chickpea flour). Preheat the oven. Use an average temperature of 350º and bake for 1 hour.
Note: You can replace the carrots with apples.
Salt Green Cake
In a bowl, mix all the ingredients with a little water and in a mold covered with oil or butter pour the mixture. Preheat the oven to 350º and bake until golden brown.
Fruit Kisses:
In a bowl, mix all the ingredients very well. Use plastic or tin foil and form a roll about 5 centimeters thick. Take to the refrigerator for 12 hours. When the required time is passed, remove the paper and cut it into slices, passing them through grated coconut or granola.
Enjoying a natural and healthy diet stimulates the senses.