Yoga Maa Shakti

Turn your body into a temple!

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Gluten Free Tips and Healthy Recipes

We are the result of what we eat. Feeding is essential for the maintenance of a healthy life and the optimal functioning of the organism. Each person or animal species enjoy various food supplements appropriate to their geographical area, culture, tastes, and basic needs. However, not all foods or products that are available in the […]

Yoga to Reduce Belly Fat

Nowadays, lots of things can cause a person to get a flabby tummy. These could include, eating unhealthily, a lack of regular exercise, high-stress levels and a lot more. Yoga is a great way to lose body fat and tone your body. Yoga is very helpful in cutting down belly fat and decreasing the waist […]

How To Look More Toned In A Week?

How To Look More Toned In A Week?

Generally speaking, having big weight loss goals for a short period

Safely Approaching Side Splits

Also known as Straddle Split or Middle Split, Side Splits can be encountered in different types of body disciplines such as gymnastics, ballet, and Yoga. This position can be pretty int

Increase Stamina Through Yoga

In today’s world, being stuck in an office cubicle sitting all day is just a normal scenario. The lack of physical activity is pretty much n

Eight Simple Ways to Have a Better Morning

We’re all so busy and mornings are no exceptions. Often, we are rushing around to have breakfast, plan our day, get children to school, and perform last minute chores before we rush off to work. It’s no wonder so many people hate mornings, the

Hot Yoga

Why would anyone want to do yoga in a 98.6-degree room? In recent years, a large number of yogis have begun to do just that. Hot yoga has spread like wild fire

Yoga For Your Core

Yoga has plenty of physical and mental healing properties. It’s easy to focus on the physical benefits yoga can offer, but it’s important to remember that its original intention is for your mental and spiritual wellbeing. The physica